Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fascinating Information About Kung Fu Movies | Self Defense Source

Among action flicks the world over Kung Fu movies are a popular and unique genre with a worldwide fan base. These films originated in China, where it?s also known as wushu, and as such reflect elements of the country?s fascinating history and culture. Below are a few interesting observations concerning this genre since it?s origins.

The very first movie resembling a modern martial arts flick was made in China in 1928. And given that it takes about 27 hours to watch from beginning to end, it was shown in 8 serial episodes. During the 1970?s however, this type of movie spread from Hong Kong, the source of modern kung fu flicks, to the international community.

The first installments of this type of film based stories on a literary tradition involving the mysterious which was combined with outstanding swordsmanship. As time progressed the flicks began to feature more ordinary tales as well as hand-to-hand fighting scenes. Its heroes were generally common people that used martial arts to help the poor and oppressed fight against unscrupulous landlords and bloodthirsty rulers.

Most such flicks today feature real martial arts film stars. This helps to explain part of its popularity as fans adore watching favorite actors and actresses delivering devastating punches and kicks to the bad guys. In order to satisfy the evolving needs of movie goers, the films have adapted to showcase spellbinding gymnastic-style tumbles against harsh, modern urban, gang-infested backgrounds. Stunts have become increasingly daring, and the incorporation of comic elements have helped to cement its status firmly as a huge favorite among fans.

Since its early days on Western shores film makers have begun exploiting its potential for the local market. The increasing addition of gorgeous Asian actresses as leading stars with potent fighting skills have certainly helped to rapidly increase its popular appeal. Many famous Hollywood actors also began staring in these flicks and this encouraged many local fans to start practicing this art form.

A peculiar aspect of the genre?s action scenes are the large numbers of people involved in many fighting situations. It therefore helps that the actors are all highly skilled and accomplished martial artists. Although stunts and action sequences are choreographed and practiced many times over before the actual shooting starts, it?s nevertheless awesome to witness the level of skill involved in the onscreen action.

Unlike established mainstream storytelling this kind of film didn?t employ conventional narrative techniques when it started out. All that really mattered was showcasing martial arts moves. Even the actors were relatively flat, since character development was also of little concern. These days however such flicks are well formulated with complex story lines, elaborate themes and rounded characters.

Modern technology has of course made a huge contribution as to how contemporary movies are conceptualized and filmed. To some people this is not necessarily a good thing since it can dilute much of the authenticity of the onscreen action. Generally though the fans don?t seem to mind as long as the favorite stars are seen in action. Hopefully the few bits of info help to make it clear why modern kung fu movies continue to fascinate the fans of a genre with a long and exciting history.

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