Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Katnip Lounge: PSA for pets!


?It's The Daddy, with a GREAT announcement concerning lost pets.

I was working last Saturday morning when the phone rang--I answered and got a computer generated message--and I almost hung up, thinking it was a telemarketer. But just as I was about to press END...I heard "PET AMBER ALERT...PET AMBER ALERT!" ?So I listened and found out a Border Collie Woofie named BRINKS was lost in our neighborhood!

(To our foreign readers, an "Amber Alert" is a PSA that goes out for missing children.)

The message was detailed and informative, told me ALL about BRINKS, and a number to call if he was found/seen. ?I wrote the number down and called to find out more about BRINKS, like what part of our neighborhood was he last seen? ?And guess what? ?When I called I got BRINKS? dad on the phone, and BRINKS was already home! ?Somebody else had seen BRINKS after getting the same phone call and got him to come to them.

Apparently,?PETAMBERALERT.COM?is AWESOME. ?It's available in the US and Canada. ? BRINKS? dad found the site, signed up, and it automatically faxed and emailed ALL the surrounding VETS and SHELTERS.

Then, if that wasn?t good enough--it calls EVERYBODY [like me] within a THREE MILE radius, BRINKS lived two miles away from us!

(BRINKS didn?t even live in our 'hood, thank Cod...we don?t need any woofies here, and you know what happens to strays that show up at our door.)

It does cost money to use--but they're worth it, right?

Pets are priceless!

Happy Monday!

XX ?The Daddy ?XX

pee ess: ?In case you're wondering, yes, Daddy talks in caps, too! ?He's crazypants!

Source: http://katniplounge.blogspot.com/2011/12/psa-for-pets.html

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