Friday, August 17, 2012

Ways to Dwindle the Work Accident Risks in the UK - Accident At Work

The commercial sectors of the United Kingdom witness a large number of accidents every year. As per the statistical data published by the Health and Safety Executive, more than 1.5 million work accident injuries are recorded every year in the United Kingdom, while more than 100 fatal accidents at work are identified per annum. Industrial illnesses are not uncommon and many workers suffer from work-related diseases and lose working days. With the gradual increase in the work accidents, safety in worksites has turned out to be a significant issue for all the businesses in the nation. The cost of workers? accident at work claimcompensation insurance is increasing year by year, thus enhancing the requirement to ensure health and safety at work. The government of the United Kingdom has urged the business companies, factories and especially the entrepreneurs of construction business to take precautions to combat the accidents at work. No matter what industrial domain you are in, there are high chances of accidental injuries at work. By undertaking set protocols and recognizing potential risks, you can definitely bring down the number of work-related mishaps and turn the worksite a safe and secure place.

Dwindling the number of work accidents in not an easy affair. The business entrepreneurs, owners of the construction businesses and the business involving manual handling of heavy goods need to recognize the potential risks in the worksites and then plan the ways to reduce the chances of workplace accidents.

Most of the work accidents in the UK occur while working on the wet floors, during the manual transportation of heavy loads and at the time of operating forklift trucks. The type of industry you are in will determine the type of accident at work you are subjected to. To cite an example, those working in the construction sites often stand the risks of slips and trips. There are many instances where roofers fell down accidentally from heights to receive severe injuries. Incidents of fractured hands and legs are banal in the UK workplaces dealing with material handling. No matter how common the work accidents are in the UK, the workers undergoing huge physical and emotional damages in the work accidents are entitled to file work accident compensation to compensate the financial loss incurred by these mishaps. Work accidents, minor or major, the victims can demand compensation if the accidents are results of someone else?s negligence. In order to fortify their claims for accident at work compensation, the injured workers can seek the assistance of the no win no fee solicitors. Availing the services of a professional solicitor is must since it enhances the scopes of retrieving the maximum amount of compensation.

The employers must explore all the possible accident risks in a workplace and then prepare a list enlisting the potential risks. ?They should distinctly label the accident prone regions in a workplace with signage sanctioned by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These signs serve to be the effective means to safeguard the employees and warn them about the accidental risks in a workplace.

Related posts:

  1. The UK Government Accentuating Health and Safety of Workers to Forestall Work Accidents

Tags: accident at work, accidents at work, work accident compensation


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