Thursday, September 6, 2012

5 Games That Could Launch The Next Gen Consoles | Masonic ...

I think we can safely say that we should hear news on the next wave or so called Next Gen Consoles from Sony and Microsoft at E3 2013. We have decided to make a list of our Top 5 games that we would like or think that we may see along side our shinny new Next Gen consoles at launch.

All the games on the list have all been shown already and have been confirmed as coming out on this gen of consoles (Xbox 360 & PS3). The games where shown being played and demoed on High End PCs so it begs to?question?could the next round of consoles (PS4 & Xbox 720) work like PCs?

Games on PCs have options so they will work on nearly any PC. If you have a low end or factory PC you can turn down the?quality, draw distance, FPS, shadows etc? And if you have a high end PC or custom model you can crank everything up and play the games like they are ment to be played. Could the next round of high profile games offer this function to console gamers? This may not be as far out there has one might think. We have already seen this function being offered to a?certain?degree in the current gen of consoles. PS3 offers options to upscale PS1 games and?smooth out those old pixelated PS1 games. Could we see Next Gen Games being offered in twin packs, Games that will work on both Gens of consoles or could we just see Updates being?implemented to max out the graphics etc.. on Next Gen Consoles?

If we take our first game on the list Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros demoed just last week, being played on a high end PC or possible dev kit for next gen (remember dev kits are?usually?PC based). Even though it has been confirmed to be coming out on this GEN of consoles I can not see the game looking as good as it looked on Xbox 360 or PS3. There is also?another?option here that we need to?mention; Could this Game slip its launch window and end up just being a next gen launch game?

I hope the above have giving you some food for thought and a understanding into why we have?chosen?the below games to possible launch alongside our Next Gen Consoles.

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros (Xbox 720 & PS4)

Watch Dogs (Xbox 720 & PS4)

GTA V (Xbox 720 & PS4)

Tomb Raider (Xbox 720 & PS4)

The Last of Us?(PS4)

So what are your thoughts? Could console games become like PC games and work on?multiple generations of the same?systems, Could I be well off track and these games listed above be only for this Gen and what games do you think we will see launch along side the Next Gen Consoles?

Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook Page you can join a?community of 2800+ gamers, share opinions on the lastest gaming news,reviews and rumours, share Gamertags and win some great gaming prizes in our Facebook only?competitions.


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