Thursday, May 26, 2011

Katherine Schwarzenegger Tweeting Forgiveness??

Kat Schwarz Forgiveness

It seems like Katherine Schwarzenegger is ready to forgive her father after just a couple of weeks of this heated mess he's gotten himself into.

Katherine tweeted these as she was about to bounce from El Lay at the airport:

'Sometimes we forgive people cause we want them back in our lives.'

'Holding grudges is bad for your health. Forgive and let go. It doesn't mean keep them around either.'

'Everything happens for a reason, the hard part is finding out what that reason is.'

Apparently she's super close to bother her parents, so it's probably very difficult for her regardless of her move towards healing the relationship. Those words of wisdom seem to be helping!

We respect her willingness to want to start to mend the relationship with her father, but we're not sure if enough time has passed for it to be a real, healthy new start. We aren't saying it could never happen ? it all depends on what Arnold does with this experience and if it's the catalyst he needs to change his ways.

We wish her and the family the best, but we've gotta see the turn-around from Arnold before we can totally agree with full forgiveness!

Do U think she's jumping the gun on forgiveness, or is she taking the high-road??

[Image via National Photo Group.]

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